
As a computer technologist at St Andrew's we...

At St Andrew's CE Primary we reflect the National Curriculum’s belief that high-quality Computing education provides the foundations for understanding the world through the specific disciplines of Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy. Technology has changed our lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity, and all pupils should be taught essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science.

The school’s long term plan for Computing sets out the content of teaching within in each year group. This is supported by the school’s Computing progression document which demonstrates learning outcomes within each strand of development within an Computing unit. Short term planning details how this content is developed over a series of lessons within the unit of work. We ensure children learn key vocabulary related to computing so children can develop and use technical vocabulary with increasing confidence.

 At St Andrew's computing is an integral part of our school and our aim is that:

·         Children will enjoy computing and will tackle applications with confidence and a sense of achievement;

·         Children will develop independence and use computing skills in a purposeful way;

·         Computing will take a cross-curricular approach;

·         Children will develop practical skills and the ability to solve problems using computational thinking.

At St Andrew's, we value the development of technical vocabulary and strive to ensure our children understand terminology so they can articulate their thoughts with competence and confidence in different contexts.