Pupil Premium

Supporting our children...

St Andrew's Church of England Primary School's key objective for the Pupil Premium Grant is to narrow the gap between pupil groups.  Through targeted interventions we work to eliminate barriers to learning and progress. For children who start school with low attainment on entry, our aim is to ensure that they make accelerated progress in order to be in line or above age related expectations, as they move through the school. 

At St Andrew's Church of England Primary School all staff share the vision of 'Letting our light shine' and that with the correct support put in place will meet the individual needs of all children, including those in receipt of the Pupil Premium Grant. 

We ensure that all teaching staff and support staff are involved in the analysis of data and identification of pupils who needs additional intervention. Interventions are planned, monitored and reviewed. All staff are aware of who pupil premium and vulnerable children are.

All pupil premium children benefit from the funding, not just those who are underperforming and underachievement is targeted at all levels.